Investment Consulting Advice to Trustees
Case Study

The trustees of a charitable trust were concerned that the investment portfolio for which they were responsible was not being properly managed.
The trustees appointed the Investment Consulting team at Strabens Hall.
Strabens Hall reviewed the existing arrangement, advised on adding new managers, managed all administration and monitored the portfolio going forward.
Background Facts
Mr K set up a charitable trust with £36m in investments and £60m in cash.
Cash balances had been held for some time, missing out on significant market movements.
Concerns over the existing manager included: inadequate reporting, poor and sporadic communication and poor investment performance.
What action was taken
The Trustees appointed the Investment Consulting team at Strabens Hall to review the existing investment arrangements.
Prior to the review, the charity’s objectives were re-examined, accountabilities were clearly identified and portfolio performance, risk and holdings were all assessed.
The portfolio was then restructured, the brief was re-defined and two additional managers were appointed with Strabens Hall managing all administration.
The Trustees felt they were complying with their fiduciary duties.
The portfolio fulfilled its objectives, costs were minimised and manager risk was reduced.
Strabens Hall was asked to provide on-going advice and quarterly reporting providing scrutiny through an expert and independent third party.
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